
空气 & 太空部队协会(AFA)

In 2022, AFA捐款超过230美元,000给空军, 监护人, 他们的配偶, 他们的孩子获得了12个独特的奖学金. 这些帮助支付学费, 飞行学校, 牙科学者, 阿诺德航空协会和银翼, 甚至是某些大学的全额学费.


每个奖学金是1美元,000,并将颁发给一些攻读物流学位的学生, 供应链管理, 工程, 业务, 或者类似的领域,可能会导致与物流相关的职业生涯. Open to active duty, 退伍军人, spouses, and dependents (including National 警卫 and reserves).


每年为我们国家的退伍军人提供奖学金, 现役, 警卫, and Reserves; 他们的配偶 as well as their 孩子们 and grand孩子们. 已故退伍军人的儿子、女儿或孙子也符合资格.


With the support of WD-40 Company, AMVETS is offering scholarships of up to $5,000.为建筑行业提供培训和认证. Must be a an 现役 Service Member or 经验丰富的 of the Armed Forces (including Reserves and National 警卫), 退伍军人配偶, 或现役成员. Eligibility requires applicants to be enrolled in an eligible construction trades program. 服役人员的子女不符合资格.


我们为现役军人提供奖学金, 退伍军人, 和/或他们的家人, 包括我们的金星家庭, 协助他们达成教育目标.  Eligible if you are a high school senior and you have a family member who has served or is currently serving in our military. Must have a verifiable military connection as a service, dependent, or a Gold Star family member. Must be currently enrolled or accepted to attend a 四年 accredited college or technical institution for the upcoming semester for which the application is submitted.



The Ankin Law Office has an annual scholarship to help 退伍军人 and their dependents achieve an education at a college, 大学, 或者贸易/职业学校. The $2,500 award is sent directly to the winner’s school and is to be used only for tuition. 奖励决定是基于申请人的论文.

DAV辅助国家教育奖学金 & 职业训练援助

The Disabled American 经验丰富的s Auxiliary Education Scholarship Program was established to provide education scholarships for students attending an accredited college, 大学, 或职业学校在美国或领土. Those full-time students who meet the established guidelines may qualify for a scholarship up to $2,500. Part-time students who meet the established guidelines may qualify for a scholarship up to $750.

Graydon & 默斯·福克斯奖学金

The scholarship was established to assist individuals who are seeking to further their job skills or improve their circumstances through education by providing scholarships for 经验丰富的s who have served honorably in the United States Armed Forces or a surviving spouse, 美国公民的子女或孙辈.S. 经验丰富的. 受伤人员或未亡配偶优先, dependent child or grandchild of personnel killed or wounded while on active duty as a result of their service to our nation. Must be pursuing a degree at an accredited college, 大学, or trade school.



Keller Law Offices has an annual scholarship for military 退伍军人 and their immediate family members. 只有一个赢家被选中,所以预计这个过程将是竞争激烈的. A 500-word essay is required with proof of full-time enrollment in an accredited program, 无论是本科生还是研究生. 贸易和职业课程也符合条件. The $1,000 award is sent directly to winner’s school and is to be used only for tuition.

Matthew L .律师事务所. 夏普年度军事奖学金

马修·L. 夏普年度军事奖学金1美元,向退伍军人及其直系亲属(子女或父母)提供6000美元. 进一步协助他们过渡到平民生活, the scholarship covers 职业 and trade schools as well as two or 四年 accredited universities. 申请时需提供入学证明和一篇不超过1500字的论文. 资金只用于支付学费.


该奖学金设立于1991年.  Vietnam 经验丰富的s of America (VVA) established a scholarship program to provide financial assistance to: Vietnam era 经验丰富的s, 抚养的孩子, 已故越战老兵的孙子、孤儿和寡妇, for costs associated with under研究生 studies at accredited educational/technical institutions.


Visit the MOAA 奖学金及助学金 site for information on a variety of different scholarships, 补助金和无息贷款.


我们的教育支柱项目赋予新南威尔士州现役人员权力, 他们的配偶和子女, 以及海豹突击队和SWCC的9/11后退伍军人和他们的孩子, 通过授予高等教育奖学金. 奖学金可用于职业, 证书, 许可, 以及高等教育课程, such as Bachelors or Associates Degrees and may also include 研究生 degree scholarship opportunities for qualifying applicants.


PVA会员, 成员的配偶, or an unmarried child (under 24 years of age) who is dependent (as defined by the IRS) on the member for principal support. 奖学金的金额为 $2,500名全日制学生 和 $1,非全日制学生可获五千元资助.


This 10% tuition scholarship is for students enrolling in a new program of study at Divine Mercy University who are eligible 退伍军人, 现役军人, 预备役人员, 退役的军事, 及/或其配偶/家属.


Individuals eligible for the include 经验丰富的s and active Service Members of both pre- and post- 9/11 service; Service Members from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces including the National 警卫 who have served in both pre-and post 9/11 eras, 以及上述人员的现任配偶, 包括未亡配偶. 必须在读本科, 研究生, 研究生, 两年, 四年, 公共, 私人, 职业, 以及贸易学位或证书.

Deadline: February 1, 2024       Average Amt: $10,000/academic year      Awards: 871


The 紫心基金会 scholarships are available to Purple Heart recipients and their direct descendants (including spouses, 孩子们, 以及孙辈)来支付学费等费用, 房间 & 伙食费和其他费用.


国家护林员纪念基金会. 服务于你.S. 所有时代的陆军游骑兵通过在花岗岩纪念碑的认可, 名人堂成员的展示, 奖学金予有资格人士, 并协助护林员家属.


The program enriches the quality of American education by helping to place mature, 动机, 有经验的, 在我们国家的教室里有专门的人员.  TTT提供财政援助, 咨询, and employment referral through a network of state TTT Placement Assistance Offices.


Open to current and prospective ROTC program students; Active-duty military personnel with plans to attend college; Honorably Discharged 经验丰富的s of the US military; Sons, 退伍军人或现役军人的女儿和配偶. 5个奖项,每两年颁发一次,奖金为1500美元.

海外战争退伍军人(VFW) -军事奖学金
VFW的军事奖学金项目提供25美元,000 scholarships annually to VFW members who are currently serving in uniform or have been discharged within the 36 months before the December 31 deadline.

海外战争退伍军人(VFW) -青年奖学金

The VFW is dedicated to promoting patriotism and investing in our future generation. The Voice of Democracy audio-essay program provides high school students with the unique opportunity to receive a national first place award of $35,奖学金直接支付给受助人就读的美国大学, 大专或职业/技术学校. 其他国家奖学金的完整列表从1美元到1美元不等,000-$21,000, and the first place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins at least a scholarship of $1,000.


退伍军人联合基金会为残疾退伍军人提供奖学金, 或幸存的家庭成员(孩子), 因公殉职人员的配偶. Applicants must be planning to attend college or enrolled in an under研究生 or higher program. 三个年度奖项,最高20,000美元.

截止日期:2024年3月31日     奖:各不相同