
董事会=澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区董事会. 可替换性
一般会员=全体教员,包括参议院理事会及其委员会. 可与学术参议院互换.
参议院执行委员会=参议院理事会的民选官员, 包括总统, 副总统, 秘书, 和财务主管.  可与参议院行政官或参议院行政官互换.

澳门皇家赌城在线 大学 学术参议院


第一节. 该组织的名称应为澳门皇家赌城在线学术参议院.


第一节. 目的. The purpose of this organization shall be to represent the faculty in the formation of college and district policy on academic and professional matters, 如标题5所述, 第53200 (b)条. 这些包括:

  1. 课程设置,包括建立先决条件和在学科内设置课程.

  2. 学位和证书要求.

  3. 分级的政策.

  4. 教育项目开发.

  5. 有关学生准备和成功的标准或政策.

  6. 与教师角色相关的地区和学院治理结构.

  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports.

  8. 教师专业发展活动的政策.

  9. 项目评审流程.

  10. 机构规划和预算编制的程序.

  11. Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the 董事会 and the academic senate.

第二节. 职责. 这是参议院的职责, 直接或通过其指定的委员会, 所有学术和专业问题,并在所有这些问题上确立立场.


第一节. 根据教育法典第5章, 第53200 (a)条, full-time faculty who are not designated as management by the college administration shall be members of the 学术参议院. 只要学术评议会被认可为董事会全体教员的代表, the Senate recognizes its responsibility to encourage and solicit membership of part-time faculty.


第一节. 业务. The business of the 学术参议院 shall be carried out through the Senate Council and the committees of the Senate. 最终的权力仍然属于保留主动权的一般会员, 回忆, and petition and may by a majority of votes cast countermand action taken by the Senate Council, 但有三分之一或三分之一以上的会员国参加表决.

第二节. 会议. 校董会须按附例第IV条规定在校园内举行会议. A special meeting shall be called upon petition of at least ten (10) percent of the general membership or upon majority vote of the Senate Council, 或在参议院执行委员会认为有必要时举行.

第三节. 自愿的费. Voluntary dues are collected annually by the Senate Council, but are not a condition of membership.

第四节. 规则. 最新版的 罗伯茨的议事规则 shall guide the 学术参议院 on all matters not specifically covered by this 宪法 and/or its By-laws.


第一节. 会员. The membership of the Senate Council shall be the Senate Executive Committee and representatives from the academic divisions as defined in the By-laws.

第二节. 职责. 参议院执行委员会的职责, 主席, and Senate Council representatives shall be those detailed in the Senate By-laws and/or outlined in 罗伯茨的议事规则.

第三节. 条款. The Senate Exec shall begin their term of office on the day after the last day of spring semester. Standing committee 主席 and Senate Council representatives shall begin their terms of office on the first day of fall semester, 或者在被他们的部门选举出来之后. The president, 副总统, 秘书, 和财务主管 shall be elected to a term of two (2) years.  The president and 副总统 shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in either of these positions. Standing committee members and Senate Council representatives shall be elected to a term of one (1) year by the groups they represent. 此外,参议院主席可以任命教师代表进入委员会.

第四节. 提名.  提名 for office to the Senate Executive Committee shall be made by any member of the general membership. A petition form must be signed by ten (10) 学术参议院 members and presented to the Senate President. The petition form must also be accompanied by a written statement outlining the candidates’ reasons for running for office. The Senate Council shall establish an election committee of no fewer than three (3) members of the 学术参议院. All nominees for office shall make a presentation to the Senate Council at least two (2) weeks before the election. If no candidates for a particular office have submitted their petitions by the first Senate Council meeting in October, 提名可由参议院理事会的一个委员会提出.

第五节. 选举. The slate of candidates shall be published and submitted to the general membership no later than October 15th. 选举日期应不迟于11月15日由参议院理事会决定. 选举应在秋季学期结束前完成. 1) 投票应以无记名和书面投票方式进行. 选票将分发到专任教员的邮箱. 或2)行政会议可提出修正案.  After having received a majority vote of the Executive Council the amendment shall be submitted to each member for adoption. 以无记名投票方式表决的全体成员过半数即为通过.

投票期限至少为两(2)天,不超过五(5)天. 如果没有候选人在第一轮投票中获得简单多数, 在得票最多的两(2)名候选人之间进行决选. 其他选举程序每年由参议院理事会制定. Senate Council representatives shall be elected as specified in the By-laws and the 宪法.

第六节. 参议院委员会席位空缺.  参议院的空缺由辞职产生, 使无能力, 未能履行章程所规定的责任, 退休, 召回或死亡. Vacancies shall be filled according to procedures outlined in the By-laws (Article I, Section D).

第七节. 参议院执行委员会.  Resignation from the Senate Executive committee shall be assumed if any officer fails to attend four (4) consecutive Senate Executive meetings. Vacancies shall be filled according to procedures outlined in the By-laws (Article I, Section D).

8节. 委员会. 参议院主席应任命所有专业和/或学术委员会的教员, 学院及地区. 根据附例的规定,参议院理事会应批准这些任命. Ad hoc committees may be created by the Senate Council as the need arises; the chairperson of each ad hoc committee shall be named by the President. 参议院理事会应决定委员会的收费和责任.

  1. 各委员会的职责是:

    1. 要考虑的, 研究总统和参议院委员会提交的所有事项,并提出建议, 委员会主席, 和/或参议院.

    2. 每年至少向参议院理事会报告一次,此后向参议院报告, 不论是否经理事会批准. The process for reporting to the Senate Council shall be established by the Senate Council and may be revised by it at any time.

    3. To submit proposals to the Senate Council for approval prior to undertaking a study or investigation. 参议院理事会不赞成某一委员会的提案, 委员会可就参议院理事会的决定以投票方式向全体会员提出上诉.

  2. 委员会主席有责任:

    1. To call regular meetings of the committee and to provide notice of committee meetings with sufficient time to inform all Senate members.

    2. 为委员会会议准备议程, 负责保存所有委员会记录, 并向参议院理事会报告委员会的行动.

    3. 与其他委员会及参议院理事会保持联络.


第一节. An amendment to the 宪法 or to the By-laws may be proposed by majority vote of the Senate Council or by written petition of at least ten (10) percent of the general membership. The proposed change shall be communicated to all Senators at least two (2) weeks prior to a regular meeting of the Senate Council at which time it will appear on the agenda. Or, the proposed change shall be communicated to the general membership via written ballot one (1) month prior to voting. 宪法修正案的通过需要三分之二的多数票
会员投票. An amendment to the By-laws requires approval by a majority of the general 会员投票. 所有投票应以无记名和书面投票方式进行.

VC学术委员会章程:4月30日通过, 1971; Revised- December 7, 1973; Revised- April 27, 1978; Revised/Adopted- April 18, 2002)

由Bob Porter和Peter Sezzi于2005年10月19日修订

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